Recording update

Thank you so much for praying! The recording went very well. It took Jake a few minutes to get the silliness out of him at first but after we quit laughing at his remarks things got rolling. Our house was transformed into a recording area with the dining table moved and all the chairs in the living room. We drew the curtains closed and turned on some warm lights. We sat in front of Molly's black and white photos in our dining room, which was a perfect place to be. There were three video cameras rolling at the same time as well as several lights strategically placed around us. Our pastor, Jim Burgen, sat next to one of the cameras and would prompt us by asking questions about Molly's life and how we can have hope amidst such suffering.

After the "interview" with our pastor we did some "B roll" shots which is just video of us or of her nursery but there's no talking. Those shots will more than likely be put to music. We recorded for about an hour and twenty minutes at the house and then we went to Molly's doorway and did some neat things there too. Jake bought his daughter some pink gerber daisies and we set them up in her little vase during part of the shoot.

It was a great experience and also emotionally draining. I am tired from working on the book as well as telling our story again. But all in all things went great and we are so excited to be sharing our story with so many more people!

To God be the glory!


Elaine Welte said…
I'm sure it will be a blessing, even though it was emotionally draining. But, how nice for your story to be captured on video as well. Be sure to share the link to view it online. I hope you guys have a great weekend!
Sarah said…
Bec, I am SO glad that it went well!!!! I can't wait to watch it online in a few weeks. Miss you as much as I love you...
Andressa said…
I'm glad it went so well for you guys! How great that your church fam will get to see your story!
Anonymous said…
Rebecca & jacob, I am so sorry about your losses. I have been praying for you. My daughter just said Bill posted some information on facebook. I am praying for you. We are friends of Mutz's from Indy. I will keep praying for you all. Your story is so encouraging. May God continue to use Molly and Micah's life for his glory. Thank you for resting in His arms and telling your story.


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